
CapeverdeTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Capeverde Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Capeverde Government in Sector.

Interior Design Plan And Supervision Services , Cape Verde

CVT Ref No.:  102338676

Deadline:  15 Jul 2024

Hiring Na Agricultural Engineer , Cape verde

CVT Ref No.:  102338778

Deadline:  25 Jul 2024

Legal Expert For Ppp Concession Agreement , Cape verde

CVT Ref No.:  102338882

Deadline:  23 Oct 2024

:Equipment For Data Center 2 , Cape verde

CVT Ref No.:  102339396

Deadline:  08 Jul 2024

Technical Cooperation Platform for an Inclusive Green Growth Tei

CVT Ref No.:  94451840

Deadline:  09 Nov 2024

Provision of Real Estate Mediation and Listing Services

CVT Ref No.:  89184992

Deadline:  28 Jul 2024

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